Tunel I, Drawing on Paper/Wax / LEOPORELLO, 2017 100 x 70 cm

Tunel II

Sculpture with graphite on paper and wax. 2017, LEOPORELLO, 100 x 70 cm

Develando, Sculpture on Paper, 2017, 46,5 x 26,5 x16,5 cm


Sculpture with graphite on paper and wax, 2017, 46,5 x 26,5 x 16,5 cm

El Bañista. Tridimensional, Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 38 x 22 x 12,5 cm

El Bañista

Sculpture with graphite on paper and wax, 2017, 38 x 22 x 12,5 cm

El Tango Feroz, Tridimensional, Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 53 x 28x 12,5 cm

El Tango Feroz

Sculpture with graphite on paper and wax, 2017, 53 x 28 x 12,5 cm

Homenaje a Gardel, Sculpture Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 50 x 30 x 15 cm Frieze London bei David Nolan Gallery

Homenaje a Gardel

Sculpture Graphite on paper, wax, 2017, 50 x 30 x 15 cm Frieze London bei David Nolan Gallery

Una Noche en el Hospital, Sculpture on Paper, 2017, 50,5 x 30 x 16 cm, Ausstellung Berlin Now, at David Nolan Gallery

Una Noche en el Hospital

Sculpture Graphite and watercolor on paper with wax 2017, 50,5 x 30 x 16 cm Exhibition at Berlin Now, David Nolan Gallery, 2017

La Verdad es demasiado grande. Drawing on Paper/Wax, 2017, 125 x 102 cm (2 parts)

La Verdad es demasiado grande

Drawing with graphite on paper with wax, 2017, 125 x 102 cm in 2 parts. Shown at “America sin Fronteras”, David Nolan Gallery, New York, 2018.

Lazarus. Drawing on Paper/Wax,. 2017, 210 x 157 cms (in 4 Parts)


Drawing on paper with wax, 2017, in 4 parts, 210 x 157 cm